Friday, April 2, 2010

Mad Season

昨天抽出 Matchbox Twenty 的 Mad Season 來聽。 當他們的 3 A.M. 大紅時﹐ 買了那張專輯﹐ 從此開始收集他們的作品。 對英文歌手﹐ 我收集的專輯﹐ 並不像對中文歌手﹐ 只要是該歌手的所有作品﹐ 都會買下。 Matchbox Twenty 和 Rob Thomas 除外。
Mad Season 是我在紐約的第一個夏天買的。 因為還在適應大城市的生活和氣候﹐ Matchbox Twenty 的歌﹐ 對悶熱 ﹑ 擾嚷的紐約﹐ 有了安撫的作用。 那年﹐ 紐約特別熱﹐ 凌晨三點坐在陽臺都還會流汗﹐ 沒有風。 所以後來聽 Mad Season, 總會想起那悶熱的紐約夏天。 那年﹐ 有個電台在一次的送禮活動中﹐ 贈送 Matchbox Twenty 的簽名照。 我竟然被抽中。 當拿到那黑白簽名照時﹐ 除了興奮﹐ 還有些感動。 那張照片﹐ 給壓力的紐約生活﹐ 增添不少鼓勵。 可惜那張黑白照﹐ 在我搬家時﹐ 弄丟了...
Rob Thomas 總是給我乾乾淨淨的感覺。 他的個人專輯﹐ 又和組合的專輯有些不同。 因為有驚喜﹐ 所以對他的個人專輯有盼望。 而他﹐ 也沒讓人失望。 最近發現﹐ 他的歌﹐ 越來越有勵志性。 蠻喜歡的...
那天表姐把 Rob Thomas 的最新歌曲 Someday 放上她的 fb, 希望你也會喜歡~

Played Mad Season in the car yesterday. I started to collect Matchbox Twenty's albums since I heard 3 A.M.. I don't collect English albums like I collect my Chinese albums, as long as I like the artist, I will buy all his or her albums. Matchbox Twenty and Rob Thomas are the exception. I bought Mad Season on the first summer I lived in New York. I was still adjusting myself into the mega city life and the weather. Matchbox Twenty songs comforted me in the busy city. That year, New York was extremely hot. Even when I sat on the balcony at 3 am in the morning, I was still sweating. There was no breeze... So now, whenever I listen to Mad Season, I always remember the hot and humid New York summer. That year, a radio station gave out Matchbox Twenty black & white signed photo as a gift. I registered online to try my luck. I was surprised to get a call one morning from the DJ on me receiving that photo! When I received it, I was excited and was touched... The photo encouraged my depressed New York life. Unfortunately the photo was lost when I was moving house...
Rob Thomas always give me a clean & bright, positive-attitude impression. His singles are different than the group albums. But they are all great. I always look forward to his and his group new albums. His songs are quite optimistic lately, quite like them... My cousin linked Rob Thomas' latest song, Someday on fb that day. Hope you will like it~

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