Saturday, May 1, 2010


認識張宇﹐ 因為他的 “用心良苦” 。 朋友告訴我這首歌時﹐ 我漫不經心地應著。 後來她在我生日的時候買了這張專輯給我﹐ 才知道什麼是名符其實。  從此開始了收集生涯﹐ 哈!

他的 “一言難盡” 發表時﹐ 曾到我居住的城市作宣傳。 我一個人去聽。 因為他當時不怎麼紅﹐ 只有一小組的粉絲團在前台嚷。 我站在不遠處﹐ 可以很清楚的看到台上表演的他。 很慶幸我選擇去聽。 他的現場比錄製的還要好聽。 這﹐ 更奠定了收集他的專輯的恆心。

媽媽不喜歡他的聲音﹐ 說總覺得很傷感﹑ 很苦。  後來的專輯比較多快板和搞笑的歌曲﹐ 她也就比較少要我在聽他的歌時換歌。 張宇大部份的專輯都有一首閩南語歌﹐ 那是寫給他婆婆聽的。 和我喜歡的其他歌手一樣﹐ 他的新專輯會換風格﹐ 也就經常有驚喜。

這是 “整個八月” ﹕

比較有趣的 “愛情條約” ﹕

蠻勵志的 “不過少個人來愛” ﹕


作詞: 十一郎 作曲: 張宇 編曲: 屠穎

讓我慢慢整理 你想要的全部都歸你
反正我連你都已失去 再失去更多也沒有關係

別急著回去 別把一切粉碎的太徹底
是你的都在原地等你 不要現在 (再) 傷我的心

我以為我們已經愛到不能割捨 誰知道 一個掙脫 一個受困
你的唇 半開半合 彷彿在說著 有多少緣份 做多久情人

你用你認定的愛 衡量我們的未來 我在你的決定之外
你的心關了不開 只是要我更明白 千金難買一次愛重來

有誰該勉強誰再留下來 還是誰先不愛誰就離開 

你已經不是第一次說 “太遲了”。 我在想﹐ 是真的太遲了﹐ 還是你不願意給我和你自己機會。 奇怪﹐ 這些年你都沒說什麼﹐ 究竟是什麼讓你改變主意... 我也懶得再去探索。 

突然心血來潮﹐ 重聽這首歌﹐ 發現我竟有同樣的心情。 算了﹐ 有天我會走出來﹐ 這 “自責” 的意境。 我知道我的朋友都會支持我的。 

詞: 十一郎 曲: 張宇 編曲: Michael Thompson

都說要忘了他 曲曲折折後各走天涯
誰不知道你割捨不下 還是苦苦的戀著他
你向所有人撒謊 難道甜蜜較容易偽裝
讓人羨慕的恩愛之中 有著貌合神離的心傷

你應該大聲說拜拜 就算有眼淚流下來 這一段心碎神傷糾纏的愛 就此忘了吧
大聲說拜拜 能勇敢愛就勇敢散 那為愛死過的心總有一天 會再活過來
大聲說拜拜 看究竟是誰離不開 別死守天長地久海枯石爛 傻傻的情話
大聲說拜拜 你別怕自己沒人愛 這世界還是精彩你又何必 單戀一枝花

你應該大聲說拜拜 就算有眼淚流下來 這一段心碎神傷糾纏的愛 就此忘了吧
大聲說拜拜 能勇敢愛就勇敢散 那為愛死過的心總有一天 會再活過來
大聲說拜拜 看究竟是誰離不開 別死守天長地久海枯石爛 傻傻的情話
大聲說拜拜 你別怕自己沒人愛 這世界還是精彩你又何必 單戀一枝 單戀一枝 單戀一枝花

你應該大聲說拜拜 大聲說拜拜

你應該大聲說拜拜 看究竟是誰離不開 別死守天長地久海枯石爛 傻傻的情話
大聲說拜拜 你別怕自己沒人愛 這世界還是精彩你又何必
單戀一枝 單戀一枝 單戀一枝 單戀一枝 單戀一枝 單戀一枝花

對﹐ 就應該是這宣言﹐ 大聲說拜拜。 那為愛死過的心﹐ 總有一天會活過來。 只要我相信。 

祂﹐ 無所不在

星期四晚上﹐ 到我連續三天都去的餐館吃飯。因為蠻晚才出去﹐ 所以我把車停在我經常停放的地方。 前兩晚因沒位﹐ 我分別停在不同的地方。 當我吃飽出來時﹐ 很多餐館已經打烊。 回到車裡﹐ 竟然無法啟動! 突然之間﹐ 慌了。 已經不早﹐ 到哪裡去找修車師... 

附近剛好有班員工﹐ 剛下班﹐ 在他們的店前聊天。 見我打開車廂﹐ 紛紛過來看個究竟。 商量一會後﹐ 他們決定用令一輛車的電池幫我試試。 要是能啟動﹐ 那就是電池的問題﹔ 若不能﹐ 可能是引擎的問題。 這班員工﹐ 雖只在那間餐館做工﹐ 可能因為是男生﹐ 對一般車的常識都懂些。 他們把我車的電池拆下﹐ 換上另一部﹐ 能啟動了! 然後再幫我裝回我的電池。 我再三向他們道謝﹐ 才離開。

後來想想﹐ 當晚要是沒有他們﹐ 我的車就會在陌生的地方過夜。 因為我常去的修車中心星期五是休假的﹐ 我得為我的車擔心。 幸好有 “朋友” 幫忙。 再進一步想﹐ 也許是祂暗中幫忙的。 是祂讓這班人幫我渡過那一晚。 現在的我﹐ 是一個人了。 祂讓我知道祂會一直陪著我﹐ 繼續走下去。 

也像昨晚﹐ 因為沒車﹐ 同事把我放在地鐵站﹐ 讓我方便搭車回家。 我等了近一個小時﹐ 汗流夾背﹐ 沒德士願意去我家的方向。 也忘了我答應朋友補習一事。 她在近七點打電話來問我在哪兒﹐ 我才猛想起我前晚答應她的事。 再三道歉後﹐ 她說來接我吃飯和送我回家。 我們吃了飯﹐ 回到他們店裡﹐ 給三個學生補習。 因為祂﹐ 我守承諾。 

像在其他文中所提到的﹐ 祂讓我相信﹐ 祂會一直陪著我﹐ 即使全世界只剩下我一個人。  突然之間﹐ 我發覺﹐ 我不再孤獨。

I went out to have my dinner at the same restaurant (3 days in a role) pretty late on last Thursday night. Since it was late, I parked my car at my usual place. The other two nights I parked my car at different locations because of full parking. After my dinner, almost all the restaurants nearby had closed for the day. When I about to start my car, it died off... I was panic! Where to look for technician at this late hour...? 

There were a group of restaurant workers hanging around in front of their shop after they closed. When I opened my booth, they came and checked out what's going on. After a small discussion, they decided to use another car's battery to help me "jump" start my car. If I could start the car, then my new battery was the problem. If not, the engine might have problem. Although they are restaurant's workers, since they are guys, they know some basic things on car. After putting in the battery, my car could start! They helped me to put back my battery and asked me to only drive home. I thanked them in million before I drove off. 

I thought of it again that night. If these people were not there, or I didn't park my car over there, what would happen? My car would have to stay overnight at  an unfamiliar place. The service centre that I always go to is closed on Friday. I would be worried about my car the whole night. I was fortunate to be saved by a group of "friends". When I think deeper, it is because He was there to help me. He asked those people to help me there and then. I am all alone now, He  is telling me He will accompany me to continue my journey. 

Even last night, since I had no car, my colleague dropped me at a train station, so that it would be easier for me to go home. I waited nearly an hour, sweating, yet no taxi would want to drive me home. And I forgot I've promised my friend about tuition. Until she called around 7pm, asking me where was I. I just remembered my promise! After thousand apologies, she said she would pick me up, have dinner and drive me home later. We had dinner together, went back to their shop to have my tuition and they drove me home. HE helped me to keep my promise. 

Like I mentioned in my other articles, He makes me believe, He will walk with me until the end of time, even if I am alone in the world. Suddenly I realize, I am no longer a lone....

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


朋友下載了一段由曾志偉導述的小品﹐ 很有意思。 

有天整理我的履歷表﹐ 才發現我工作了八年。 很辛運的﹐ 這八年的工作﹐ 都是我選擇的。 雖然﹐ 離開某崗位僅屬無奈﹐ 但是都有交到朋友。 到今天﹐ 這些朋友﹐ 都還會不時互相交換意見。 這些朋友﹐ 也是貴人﹐ 有可能在以後﹐ 介紹更好的工作。 

那天參加舊公司的20週年晚宴﹐ 深深體會了這點。 那些朋友﹐ 仍然記得我。 不過﹐ 我得聲明﹐ 今天的工作態度﹐ 是向舊老闆學的。 能夠在她的直接領導下工作﹐ 雖壓力大﹐ 但學了很多。 在舊公司上班的每一年﹐ 我都想要離開﹐ 但都忍了下來。 現在慶辛當時沒離開。 她的領域學問無人能及。 並不是她什麼都懂﹐ 而是她的學習態度。 她對合作伙伴 ﹑ 顧客的態度﹐ 像對朋友一樣﹐ 都是真誠的。 這一點﹐ 很不容易。
在商場上﹐ 多個朋友﹐ 好過多個敵人。 明明知道對方是你的對手﹐ 可是相信自己做的更好﹐ 就可以報以友善的微笑。 因為這樣﹐ 贏得了不少朋友。
這一小段﹐ 願與你共勉之~ 

My friend downloaded a small story by Hong Kong TVB, very meaningful. The story said, the young generation nowadays always complain on their works, either too little on salary, too tired, or too boring.
I was reviewing my resume the other day, just realized I've been working for 8 years, in education industry. I was very fortunate, I chose my work and I chose the company to work with in these 8 years. Even though I left the positions and moved on, I had met a lot of friends. Until today, I still keep in touch with these friends, we still exchange industry news and information once in a while. Who knows, these friends might introduce me to a better job in the future.
I realized this when I attended my old company's 20th anniversary. I'd met some of the old friends, and was glad that they still remembered me. I have to give credit to my old boss. My working ethics today is taught by her. I had the opportunity to work directly under her on one of my portfolios. I must say, the stress was beyond description, but I learnt a lot. When I was there, every year I thought of leaving. Now I was glad I didn't. Her industry knowledge is superb. I haven't met someone who can be a match with her. It is not because she knows everything, it is her work ethics and her willing-to-learn attitude. Her attitude towards her partners and her clients, is as sincere as friends. She is always willing to go extra mile, even though that might cost her (in term of money or time). It is not easy in a working life, for 20 over years.
At work, it is better to have a friend, than to have an enemy. You know that the other is your competitor, as you trust your own ability (that you can do better), you will give a friendly smile. Some of these people, you are only friends when you see them. Some of them, you become friends with even after work. Because of this attitude, I have a lot of "friends".
I know, a lot of you out there will agree with me~   ^_^

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Pain is necessary to the birth of anything good

"Pain is necessary to the birth of anything good." This is the second time I heard it this week. 

We can't use our logic to understand His plan. Especially His plan for us. Why are we suffering? Has He not understood it? Why am I stuck here? How long more do I need to suffer? When will He take me out? These are all the questions we ask when we face PAIN. 

Through my experience with Him, I learn to be patient. It is His time that matters, not my time. It is His way that is more important, not my way...  human being a human, I'm impatient sometimes. I would have to say, it is much better compared to 10 years ago, when I wasn't a believer. I had no way and no one to turn to. I felt left out, felt lonely. And the pain looked as if there was no end. Everytime I thought of it, it felt like a cut on the pumping heart. Now that I learn He loves me and He cares for me, I no longer feel lonely when facing pain and difficulty. I know, even the whole world turns against me, He will still be with me. And no being can separate this relationship of ours. I believe it~

I'm grateful that You are bringing me closer to You day by day. Sometimes imagine You hug me makes me cry... It is the sense of belonging that touches me... 

I can already see the GOOD at the end of Pain. I just need to continue walking. I will reach there one day.