Saturday, June 19, 2010

He Ain't The Leavin' Kind

"Me and My Gang" is my most favourite album among the others of Rascal Flatts. First time heard this song, "He Ain't The Leavin' Kind", didn't understand much. Until one day I was singing it with the lyrics, I finally understood it. 

"He Ain't The Leavin' Kind"

They tried their best to drag him out
Of a courthouse down in montgomery

Now they want to kick him out of school
And take him off our money
They can take those words off of paper and stone
But he aint gone, no

He ain't the leavin' kind
He'd never walk away
Even from those who dont believe
And wanna leave him behind
He ain't the leavin' kind

She stayed mad at him for a lot of years
For taking her husband
Started losing her faith and thinking that
Her life meant nothin
But when she looks at those kids
She raised all by herself
She knows she had some help
Yeah she knows

He ain't the leavin' kind
He'd never walk away
Even from those who don't believe
And wanna leave him behind
He ain't the leavin' kind

No matter what you do
No matter where you go he's
Always right there
With you

Even from those who don't believe
And wanna leave him behind
He ain't the leavin' kind 

He will not leave. He is always there (or here). I have said this and repeated it in my writing thousands times. You can say you don't believe it, or you walk pass Him. But we all know, somewhere down the road, whether you are still walking, or at the dead bed, you will finally acknowledge, He is there, ALWAYS there. 

On this road called Life, a lot of things happen to us. We meet great people we call friends, we loss important people that might be closed family or friends, we fall in love with someone, we fall out of love with others, we meet golden opportunities, we make poor decisions, we laugh, we cry, we are worried, we are angry, we are relief, we are excited... No matter what we do, where we go, one thing that was not, is not and will not change is, He is always there. Regardless how many ups and downs we have in our lives, He is always there. 

He ain't the leavin' kind, He'd never walk away, even for those who don't believe, and wanna leave Him behind, 



認識 Rascal Flatts 是因為他們的 "What Hurts The Most". 結果下載了他們其他的專輯, 發現很多歌都很好聽。 

若你問我﹐ 很多歌我都很喜歡﹐ 但最愛的是這首 “My Wish"﹐ 收入在 "Me and My Gang” 里。 歌詞可以在我寫的英文版里*找到。 


從小﹐ 我都和朋友一起成長﹐ 因為我沒有兄弟姐妹。 我很享受和朋友在一起的時光﹐ 不管是兩個人 ﹑ 三個人 ﹑ 或是十個人... 我想念與你﹐ 兩個人﹐ 聊至第二天天亮 (有時還會翹早上八點的課﹐ 哈!)﹔ 我想念你從老遠帶一大堆CD到我家 ﹑ 不厭期煩地向我解釋專輯的內容﹔ 我想念你半夜三更打電話給我和我聊天﹐ 為了使你清醒 ﹑ 可以完成你的作業﹔ 我想念你作東﹐ 帶我去這去那﹐ 為了我可以順利完成我的功課... 我尤其想念你們﹐ 在我最需要的時候﹐ 聽我細訴。 

我只想說 “謝謝你﹐ 朋友”。 我也希望你知道﹐ 不管你做什么﹐ 總有一個人常在這裡支持你 ﹑ 愛你。 

*在 “My Wish"﹐ 生活隨想里。 

My Wish

Knew Rascal Flatts through "What Hurt the Most". Radio played their song crazily that year... Then downloaded their albums... "Me and My Gang", "Feels Like Today", "Melt"... Discovered wonderful songs by them. 

A lot of favourite songs among all these albums, if you ask me. But "My Wish" is THE most favourite of all. Take a look at the lyrics: 

My Wish 
I hope that the days come easy and the moments pass slow,
And each road leads you where you want to go, 
And if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose, 
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you. 
And if one door opens to another door closed, 
I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window, 
If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile,

But more than anything, more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.

I hope you never look back, but ya never forget,
All the ones who love you, in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
And you help somebody every chance you get,
Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
And you always give more than you take.

But more than anything, yeah, and more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.

My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.

This is my wish
I hope you know somebody loves you
May all your dreams stay big

Isn't that the same wish you have for your friends? 

I grew up with friends as I don't have siblings. I enjoy the companies, whether is just the two of us, the three of us, or the ten of us... And I miss those days talking to you, just the two of us, till the following mornings (and sometimes I skipped the 8am class, hahaha....). I miss those days that you brought all the CDs to my house, tirelessly explaining the contents of the albums. I miss those days that you called me just to keep you awake, so that you could finish your homework. I miss those days you hosted me, took me here and there, to help me completing my assignments... to most of you, I miss those days you were just there, ready to listen me. 

I want to say "Thank You, my friends". And I really hope you know, whatever you do, somebody is always here to support you, to love you. 

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Never had a chance to watch its DVD. Till last week a friend mentioned she could lend it to me. I have the book, and have read it few times. I just want to watch the DVD. 

I have not touched the book for quite some time when I watched the DVD, I was quite attached to it. Even though I didn't finish the DVD the first time (I watched it quite late at night), I remembered all the methods I used before. After switching off my computer, I remembered my excitement after reading the book the first time, I immediately adjusted my feelings and thoughts. Took out the journal I bought before for recording my wishes, I wrote down my new wishes. Just like my previous wishes, I know my new wishes will come true. I continued to watch the DVD the following night, I then went online to download the pictures I needed, cut them out and pasted on a board next to my bed. Every day when I wake up and before I sleep, I look at my board and think of the happiness I will have when my wishes come true. 

As the time goes by, I know I have learnt to make choices. Everything has two sides, the good and evil. If things are not in my control, I still have two choices to face them, positive and negative. I make the CHOICE. And I know, if I think positively, all good things come. Only those of you who have tried it will understand what I mean.  ^_^ 

About my life, I CAN choose to face it positively, even when others think of it negatively. It is because, I control my life. I don't need others to tell me who am I. I choose my way, I choose my job, I choose my happiness, and I choose my life. Being religious is also helpful, it is a driving force. 

I have tried the ways "The Secret" has suggested, and I see the results. I will continue to use the methods, until I get what I want. I wish you success~ 

Sunday, June 13, 2010


一直沒機會看“秘密”的DVD﹐ 直到上星期朋友提起﹐ 她可以借給我。 我有它的書﹐ 也看了幾遍。 只是想看看DVD。 

因為很久沒有重看這本書﹐ 所以看DVD時﹐ 還是很投入。 雖然沒有一次過看完 (看的時候太夜了)﹐ 但一一記起曾經用過的方法。 關機後﹐ 突然回到第一次看書時的興奮﹐ 即時調轉心情﹐ 重新試試。 我把之前特地為它買的筆記本拿出來﹐ 重新寫下我的願望。 我知道﹐ 這些願望會實現的。 因為之前所寫下的願望﹐ 那些堅持的﹐ 都實現了。 第二晚﹐ 我繼續把剩下的片段看完。 然後上網下載我所要的照片﹐ 剪下來﹐ 貼在之前買的佈告板上﹐ 放在床頭。 每天早上起床 ﹑ 晚上臨睡前﹐ 都會看一遍佈告板﹐ 然後想象願望實現後的心情。 

我知道﹐ 在這段時間﹐ 我學會了選擇。 每一件事情﹐ 都有兩面﹐ 好的與不好的。 如果事情不是我可以控制的﹐ 那﹐ 我有兩種心情可以面對﹐ 正面或負面。 選擇在於我。 我也相信﹐ 如果我用正面的態度去面對﹐ 我會得到正面的回應。 只有試過此方法的人﹐ 會明白我指什麼。  ^_^ 

面對我的生活﹐ 我可以選擇很正面的去迎接﹐ 可以把別人認為應該很負面的想法﹐ 自己變得很正面。 因為﹐ 我的生活﹐ 由我掌控。 我不必由別人告訴我﹐ 我是誰。我選擇我的方向 ﹑ 我選擇我的工作 ﹑ 我選擇我的快樂 ﹑ 我選擇我的生活。 依賴信仰也有幫助﹐ 它也是一種推動力。 

因為﹐ 我已試過﹐ 看到成果。 所以﹐ 我會堅持試下去﹐ 直到我得到我所要的。 也祝你成功~