Saturday, May 15, 2010

Between "I Love you" and "I Like you"

A friend commented how he felt about "to Love" and "to Like" on his fb. It reminded me of my article "In between to love and to like" many years ago. I adapted a song from a Taiwanese singer Huang An, re-wrote it in a poem-like and published at our school magazine. 

I've tried what was to Love and what was to Like when I was young, very distressed. It was always in a guessing game, especially when the other was undecided. Now, I've learnt not to wander between the feelings. If I like the person and think of going into a serious relationship, I will tell him. As a friend said, the worst answer he could give was "No". How if he liked you too? You could have missed him. Even though I had never been successful so far, hahaha... 

Then I met Him. At the beginning, it was only "Like". I even felt the hierachy between us, He was “Up" and I was "Down". After all these years, with what had happened, He is of course still at the top. But there are also "Friend" and "Father" feelings. When I am distraught and troubled, the image of Him looking at me "in His most gentle way" will appear. With this, I slowly learn about His Love. 

Another image which has touched me is this. There are: "Do not be afraid, for I am with you", "It's ok, you are fine", "It's so good to see you"... Only He can do it. No matter what had happened, if you are willing to face Him, He will give you all these assurance... 

I am still learning His Love. He reassures His Love, for His Love is generous and unconditionally. IT IS UNBELIEVABLE. And yes, this Love DOES exist.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


朋友在fb發表他的 “愛與喜歡” 的感言﹐ 讓我想起多年前我寫的 “愛與喜歡之間”。 那是改編自黃安的歌﹐ 我把它寫成詩﹐ 發表在校刊裡。 

中學時曾經試過﹐ 最後還是沒結果。 徘徊在喜歡和愛之間﹐ 很傷人的。 因為總在猜測﹐ 像抓迷藏~ 尤其對方也猶豫不決。 長大後﹐ 不再徘徊這兩者之間。 喜歡對方時﹐ 若想進一步發展﹐ 就會主動表白。 像一位朋友說的﹐ 最壞的答案是﹐ 他拒絕妳。 要是他也喜歡妳呢? 而妳可能就錯過了。 所以會向對方表白。 雖然沒有一次成功...  =_='''   哈! 

後來﹐ 認識了祂。 剛開始時有階級的感覺﹐ 祂在上﹐ 我在下。 只有喜歡﹐ 似乎不見愛。 發生了這麼多事後﹐ 我發現﹐ 雖還有階級﹐ 但多了份 “朋友” 和 “父親” 的感情。  在我很傷心 ﹑ 需要安慰的時候﹐ 有一個畫面常出現﹐ 就是祂極溫柔的眼神。 這個眼神﹐ 讓我漸漸學會 ﹑ 也相信祂的愛。

另一幅畫﹐ 常讓我哽咽。 就是這張祂擁抱的畫面。 這裡有 “不用怕﹐ 有我在” ﹑ “沒事了﹐ 你很好” ﹑ “很高興能夠見到你”... 的訊息。 只有祂能夠做到。 無論發生什麼事﹐ 你若願意走到祂面前﹐ 祂就會給你這些肯定... 

我還在學習對祂的愛。 認識祂﹐ 讓我能夠放心地愛。 因為祂毫無戒心 ﹑ 毫無保留地愛我。 難以置信﹐ 是﹐ 難以置信。 可是﹐ 就真有這份愛。

WE will come to them, and make our Home with them

今天在教堂里檢討﹐ 這星期來的 "...what I have done..."
因為開始載個學生上 ﹑下班﹐ 開車時比較 ”看得開“ 。 但上星期有幾天沒載她﹐ 結果就遇到無理的司機。 那天也不知為什麼﹐ 就是不願讓他。 後來被逼讓他﹐ 還是很生氣! 等他離開視線後﹐ 才靜心想﹐ 為什麼這麼生氣。 在爭 ﹑ 讓的當兒﹐ 其實蠻危險的﹐ 我根本沒有想到祂。

很多時候﹐ 我們忘了這句﹕ "...what I've failed to do..."
這幾個星期﹐ 我一直在想﹐ 應該參加哪一個服務團。 也在留意不同服務團的開會或聚會時間。 隔了三年﹐ 現在有了車 ﹑ 有了時間﹐ 也應該參與一些活動﹐ 對身心都好。 
其實﹐ 過去一直在猶豫﹐ 是因為害怕不能守承諾。 害怕參與後不能常出席。 可是﹐ 這一年重上RCIA﹐ 發現我比三年前更少缺席。 也許﹐ 我在不知不覺中學會”守承諾“了。
心儀的服務團﹐ 下星期就去試試吧~

He said, "those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them." 

已經不是第一次讀這一段。 可是今天讀的時候在想﹐ 我有沒有”邀請“祂們同住... 如何邀請? 只有遵守祂的諾言﹐ 祂們才會與我同住。 也許﹐ 下次在開口向祂要求任何事之前﹐ 先看看我有沒有遵守祂的諾言。

記得在下一次作任何決定前想想﹐ 若換成祂﹐ 祂會怎麼做... 這樣﹐ 或許會更接近祂。