Saturday, June 26, 2010


當你開口時﹐ 我應該傷心的。 像平常﹐ 我應該流淚 ﹑ 我應該生氣 ﹑ 我應該心碎。 可是我沒有。 

我只是嘆口氣﹐ 又得重新來過... 當我告訴神父時﹐ 他並沒有驚訝﹐ 只是問我還好吧。 但那一晚﹐ 還是翻來覆去 ﹑ 輾轉難眠。 後來﹐ 偶爾還會流淚﹐ 卻發現不是為你。 

我是內疚的。 這麼多年了﹐ 竟然可以說放下就放下﹐ 不太像我。 可能是之前哭太多了﹐ 不願再回到那心痛的日子。 我只想往前走。 

也許﹐ 我應該內疚的﹐ 內疚我沒有心傷。 但我沒有。 

"I Feel Bad"

I should be out in that driveway stopping you
Tears should be rolling down my cheek
And I don't know why I'm not falling apart
Like I usually do
And how the thought of losing you's not killing me
I feel bad
That I can stand here strong
Cold as stone, Seems so wrong
I can't explain it
Maybe it's just
I've cried so much
I'm tired and I'm numb Baby I hate it
I feel bad that I don't feel bad

I can let myself be angry over wasted time
And sad about just throwing love away
Yeah I almost wish my heart was breaking
But I cant lie
All I want to do is turn the page
I feel Bad

That I can stand here strong
Cold as stone, Seems so wrong
I can't explain it
Maybe it's just
I've cried so much
I'm tired and I'm numb Baby I hate it
I feel bad

That I don't feel bitter, alone
I just feel its time, its time to move on
I just gotta move on and on and on and on

Baby it's just I've cried so much
I'm tired and I'm numb baby I hate it
I feel bad that I don't feel bad
No, I don't feel bad 


Thursday, June 24, 2010


朋友在她的部落里提到﹐ 她找不到方向﹐ 是因為一開始沒有定下終點。 是嗎? 

我剛在fb寫﹕ 正在十字路口﹐ 問祂方向﹐ 其實(我)已知道該往哪走﹐ 再詢問﹐ 這次是(希望得到)祂的祝福~ 

即使定下目標 ﹑ 設下終點﹐ 不一定會知道該往哪裡走。 但是不是路途就短些 ﹑ 會幸福些? 那也見人見智。 有人設下目標﹐ 會一直認為那是遙不可及的﹐ 永遠沒辦法實現。 若一時無法下定目標﹐ 可以從比較近的方向作考量﹐ 總有一天會找到最終的目標。 也應該抱著靈活的想法﹐ 方向不對時﹐ 可以即時調整心情﹐ 朝不同的方向繼續走下去。 那也許看似不對的方向﹐ 會有一天變成可行的道路。 你也許不自覺﹐ 我們常這樣做呢~  試想想﹐ 你今天站的地方﹐ 是不是十年或二十年前的目的地? 還不是一路走來了?  ^_^  

繼續走下去吧﹐ 路﹐ 會自然清晰。 那﹐ 也是個方向。 

A friend wrote that she couldn't find her direction, it is because she didn't set the finish line at the beginning. Really? 

I wrote on my fb that day: at the crossroad, ask for direction, but she actually knows which direction to head on. Ask again, this time for blessing~ 

Even if we set a goal at the beginning, it doesn't mean we know where to go. Might it be a shorter route if we have a goal? Well, maybe. Some people set a goal and think it's unreachable, and therefore it is never been achieved. If you can't set a goal right now, think of the possible routes from your surrounding. One day it will lead to your final goal. You should also be flexible. If you realize the route is not leading to what you want, change your direction, and head off to a new road. The incorrect route, sometimes, might turn out to be a walkable way. Well, we always do that. Try to think back, where you are standing now, was it the goal or the direction you wanted ten, twenty years ago? You have come this far anyway... 

Continue to walk on your path, the road will be clear. It is also A direction. 

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Sometimes, somebody or something hits you. You fall on the floor, shocked and helpless. Your trust is tested.

I say it before, when you fall, you can sit on the floor to nurture your wound, but YOU have to stand up yourself. Your friends and family members can only lend you a hand. How do you learn, if you don't experience it? Others don't show their failure, doesn't mean they don't have experience. 

Life is like a novel, only the end has been ripped off. You know the storm will be over, you know at the end of the tunnel is light. In the meantime, you need to keep on walking. The invisible wall will break one day... 

Life is not like a picture. It doesn't freeze at a particular moment in time. It will not stay on a spot to wait for your decision. Every time you stand up again, a small part of you will fall into a new "YOU". This new You, will be different from You in the past. 

Remember that. 

Sunday, June 20, 2010


有時候﹐ 某人或事把你推倒。 你跌坐在地上﹐ 驚慌失措 ﹑ 無助。 你對人與事的信任受到考驗。 

我曾說過﹐ 你可以坐在地上休息﹐ 可是你一定要自己站起來﹐ 朋友和親人只可以借力給你。 不經一事﹐ 何來的長一智? 別人光明的一面﹐ 並不代表他沒有經歷那一事 (或很多事...)。 

像歌詞里所提到的﹐ 人生就像一部小說﹐ 只是你不知道結局。 你知道暴風雨有天會停止﹐ 你也知道黑暗的儘頭是光明﹐ 在這個時候﹐ 請你一直走下去﹐ 那擋在前面無形的厚牆﹐ 有一天會裂開。 

人生不像照片﹐ 被凍結在固定的時間里。 它不會停在那裡﹐ 等你作決定。 每當你重新站起﹐ 你的一小部份﹐ 會開始拼湊另一個完整的你。 但請記得﹐ 這一個完整的你﹐ 不會是從前的你。 



You feel like a candle in a hurricane
Just like a picture with a broken frame
Alone and helpless
Like you've lost your fight
But you'll be alright, you'll be alright

Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend, till you break
Cause its all you can take
On your knees you look up
Decide you've had enough
You get mad you get strong
Wipe your hands shake it off
Then you Stand, Then you stand

Life's like a novel
With the end ripped out
The edge of a canyon
With only one way down
Take what you're given before it's gone
Start holding on, keep holding on

Everytime you get up
And get back in the race
One more small piece of you
Starts to fall into place