Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Sometimes, somebody or something hits you. You fall on the floor, shocked and helpless. Your trust is tested.

I say it before, when you fall, you can sit on the floor to nurture your wound, but YOU have to stand up yourself. Your friends and family members can only lend you a hand. How do you learn, if you don't experience it? Others don't show their failure, doesn't mean they don't have experience. 

Life is like a novel, only the end has been ripped off. You know the storm will be over, you know at the end of the tunnel is light. In the meantime, you need to keep on walking. The invisible wall will break one day... 

Life is not like a picture. It doesn't freeze at a particular moment in time. It will not stay on a spot to wait for your decision. Every time you stand up again, a small part of you will fall into a new "YOU". This new You, will be different from You in the past. 

Remember that. 

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