Saturday, June 26, 2010


當你開口時﹐ 我應該傷心的。 像平常﹐ 我應該流淚 ﹑ 我應該生氣 ﹑ 我應該心碎。 可是我沒有。 

我只是嘆口氣﹐ 又得重新來過... 當我告訴神父時﹐ 他並沒有驚訝﹐ 只是問我還好吧。 但那一晚﹐ 還是翻來覆去 ﹑ 輾轉難眠。 後來﹐ 偶爾還會流淚﹐ 卻發現不是為你。 

我是內疚的。 這麼多年了﹐ 竟然可以說放下就放下﹐ 不太像我。 可能是之前哭太多了﹐ 不願再回到那心痛的日子。 我只想往前走。 

也許﹐ 我應該內疚的﹐ 內疚我沒有心傷。 但我沒有。 

"I Feel Bad"

I should be out in that driveway stopping you
Tears should be rolling down my cheek
And I don't know why I'm not falling apart
Like I usually do
And how the thought of losing you's not killing me
I feel bad
That I can stand here strong
Cold as stone, Seems so wrong
I can't explain it
Maybe it's just
I've cried so much
I'm tired and I'm numb Baby I hate it
I feel bad that I don't feel bad

I can let myself be angry over wasted time
And sad about just throwing love away
Yeah I almost wish my heart was breaking
But I cant lie
All I want to do is turn the page
I feel Bad

That I can stand here strong
Cold as stone, Seems so wrong
I can't explain it
Maybe it's just
I've cried so much
I'm tired and I'm numb Baby I hate it
I feel bad

That I don't feel bitter, alone
I just feel its time, its time to move on
I just gotta move on and on and on and on

Baby it's just I've cried so much
I'm tired and I'm numb baby I hate it
I feel bad that I don't feel bad
No, I don't feel bad 


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