Sunday, April 25, 2010

Pain is necessary to the birth of anything good

"Pain is necessary to the birth of anything good." This is the second time I heard it this week. 

We can't use our logic to understand His plan. Especially His plan for us. Why are we suffering? Has He not understood it? Why am I stuck here? How long more do I need to suffer? When will He take me out? These are all the questions we ask when we face PAIN. 

Through my experience with Him, I learn to be patient. It is His time that matters, not my time. It is His way that is more important, not my way...  human being a human, I'm impatient sometimes. I would have to say, it is much better compared to 10 years ago, when I wasn't a believer. I had no way and no one to turn to. I felt left out, felt lonely. And the pain looked as if there was no end. Everytime I thought of it, it felt like a cut on the pumping heart. Now that I learn He loves me and He cares for me, I no longer feel lonely when facing pain and difficulty. I know, even the whole world turns against me, He will still be with me. And no being can separate this relationship of ours. I believe it~

I'm grateful that You are bringing me closer to You day by day. Sometimes imagine You hug me makes me cry... It is the sense of belonging that touches me... 

I can already see the GOOD at the end of Pain. I just need to continue walking. I will reach there one day.

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