Saturday, May 1, 2010

祂﹐ 無所不在

星期四晚上﹐ 到我連續三天都去的餐館吃飯。因為蠻晚才出去﹐ 所以我把車停在我經常停放的地方。 前兩晚因沒位﹐ 我分別停在不同的地方。 當我吃飽出來時﹐ 很多餐館已經打烊。 回到車裡﹐ 竟然無法啟動! 突然之間﹐ 慌了。 已經不早﹐ 到哪裡去找修車師... 

附近剛好有班員工﹐ 剛下班﹐ 在他們的店前聊天。 見我打開車廂﹐ 紛紛過來看個究竟。 商量一會後﹐ 他們決定用令一輛車的電池幫我試試。 要是能啟動﹐ 那就是電池的問題﹔ 若不能﹐ 可能是引擎的問題。 這班員工﹐ 雖只在那間餐館做工﹐ 可能因為是男生﹐ 對一般車的常識都懂些。 他們把我車的電池拆下﹐ 換上另一部﹐ 能啟動了! 然後再幫我裝回我的電池。 我再三向他們道謝﹐ 才離開。

後來想想﹐ 當晚要是沒有他們﹐ 我的車就會在陌生的地方過夜。 因為我常去的修車中心星期五是休假的﹐ 我得為我的車擔心。 幸好有 “朋友” 幫忙。 再進一步想﹐ 也許是祂暗中幫忙的。 是祂讓這班人幫我渡過那一晚。 現在的我﹐ 是一個人了。 祂讓我知道祂會一直陪著我﹐ 繼續走下去。 

也像昨晚﹐ 因為沒車﹐ 同事把我放在地鐵站﹐ 讓我方便搭車回家。 我等了近一個小時﹐ 汗流夾背﹐ 沒德士願意去我家的方向。 也忘了我答應朋友補習一事。 她在近七點打電話來問我在哪兒﹐ 我才猛想起我前晚答應她的事。 再三道歉後﹐ 她說來接我吃飯和送我回家。 我們吃了飯﹐ 回到他們店裡﹐ 給三個學生補習。 因為祂﹐ 我守承諾。 

像在其他文中所提到的﹐ 祂讓我相信﹐ 祂會一直陪著我﹐ 即使全世界只剩下我一個人。  突然之間﹐ 我發覺﹐ 我不再孤獨。

I went out to have my dinner at the same restaurant (3 days in a role) pretty late on last Thursday night. Since it was late, I parked my car at my usual place. The other two nights I parked my car at different locations because of full parking. After my dinner, almost all the restaurants nearby had closed for the day. When I about to start my car, it died off... I was panic! Where to look for technician at this late hour...? 

There were a group of restaurant workers hanging around in front of their shop after they closed. When I opened my booth, they came and checked out what's going on. After a small discussion, they decided to use another car's battery to help me "jump" start my car. If I could start the car, then my new battery was the problem. If not, the engine might have problem. Although they are restaurant's workers, since they are guys, they know some basic things on car. After putting in the battery, my car could start! They helped me to put back my battery and asked me to only drive home. I thanked them in million before I drove off. 

I thought of it again that night. If these people were not there, or I didn't park my car over there, what would happen? My car would have to stay overnight at  an unfamiliar place. The service centre that I always go to is closed on Friday. I would be worried about my car the whole night. I was fortunate to be saved by a group of "friends". When I think deeper, it is because He was there to help me. He asked those people to help me there and then. I am all alone now, He  is telling me He will accompany me to continue my journey. 

Even last night, since I had no car, my colleague dropped me at a train station, so that it would be easier for me to go home. I waited nearly an hour, sweating, yet no taxi would want to drive me home. And I forgot I've promised my friend about tuition. Until she called around 7pm, asking me where was I. I just remembered my promise! After thousand apologies, she said she would pick me up, have dinner and drive me home later. We had dinner together, went back to their shop to have my tuition and they drove me home. HE helped me to keep my promise. 

Like I mentioned in my other articles, He makes me believe, He will walk with me until the end of time, even if I am alone in the world. Suddenly I realize, I am no longer a lone....

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