Tuesday, April 27, 2010


朋友下載了一段由曾志偉導述的小品﹐ 很有意思。 

有天整理我的履歷表﹐ 才發現我工作了八年。 很辛運的﹐ 這八年的工作﹐ 都是我選擇的。 雖然﹐ 離開某崗位僅屬無奈﹐ 但是都有交到朋友。 到今天﹐ 這些朋友﹐ 都還會不時互相交換意見。 這些朋友﹐ 也是貴人﹐ 有可能在以後﹐ 介紹更好的工作。 

那天參加舊公司的20週年晚宴﹐ 深深體會了這點。 那些朋友﹐ 仍然記得我。 不過﹐ 我得聲明﹐ 今天的工作態度﹐ 是向舊老闆學的。 能夠在她的直接領導下工作﹐ 雖壓力大﹐ 但學了很多。 在舊公司上班的每一年﹐ 我都想要離開﹐ 但都忍了下來。 現在慶辛當時沒離開。 她的領域學問無人能及。 並不是她什麼都懂﹐ 而是她的學習態度。 她對合作伙伴 ﹑ 顧客的態度﹐ 像對朋友一樣﹐ 都是真誠的。 這一點﹐ 很不容易。
在商場上﹐ 多個朋友﹐ 好過多個敵人。 明明知道對方是你的對手﹐ 可是相信自己做的更好﹐ 就可以報以友善的微笑。 因為這樣﹐ 贏得了不少朋友。
這一小段﹐ 願與你共勉之~ 

My friend downloaded a small story by Hong Kong TVB, very meaningful. The story said, the young generation nowadays always complain on their works, either too little on salary, too tired, or too boring.
I was reviewing my resume the other day, just realized I've been working for 8 years, in education industry. I was very fortunate, I chose my work and I chose the company to work with in these 8 years. Even though I left the positions and moved on, I had met a lot of friends. Until today, I still keep in touch with these friends, we still exchange industry news and information once in a while. Who knows, these friends might introduce me to a better job in the future.
I realized this when I attended my old company's 20th anniversary. I'd met some of the old friends, and was glad that they still remembered me. I have to give credit to my old boss. My working ethics today is taught by her. I had the opportunity to work directly under her on one of my portfolios. I must say, the stress was beyond description, but I learnt a lot. When I was there, every year I thought of leaving. Now I was glad I didn't. Her industry knowledge is superb. I haven't met someone who can be a match with her. It is not because she knows everything, it is her work ethics and her willing-to-learn attitude. Her attitude towards her partners and her clients, is as sincere as friends. She is always willing to go extra mile, even though that might cost her (in term of money or time). It is not easy in a working life, for 20 over years.
At work, it is better to have a friend, than to have an enemy. You know that the other is your competitor, as you trust your own ability (that you can do better), you will give a friendly smile. Some of these people, you are only friends when you see them. Some of them, you become friends with even after work. Because of this attitude, I have a lot of "friends".
I know, a lot of you out there will agree with me~   ^_^

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