這並不是快樂的一天。 兩千多年前不是﹐ 兩千多年後的今天也不是。 整個儀式是莊嚴, 沉靜的...
聖餐時﹐ 唱詩樂團選了這首聖歌﹕ "He will carry you"
There is no problem too big
God cannot solve it
There is no mountain too tall
God cannot move it
There is no storm too dark
God cannot calm it
There is no sorrow too deep
He cannot soothe it
If He carried the weight of the world upon His shoulders
I know my brother that He will carry you
If He carried the weight of the world upon His shoulders
I know my sister that He will carry you
情不自禁﹐ 眼淚掉了下來... 是的﹐ 有什麼祂不能緩和的? 再深的傷﹐ 只要放心交給祂﹐ 有一天會痊癒。 也許﹐ 要等一年﹐ 三年﹐ 甚至十年 總有那麼一天﹐ 傷口會愈合... 只要我相信。
多年前的今天﹐ 祂為了愛我們而犧牲自己。 三天後﹐ 祂替我們贖得永生。
Dying You destroyed our death
Rising You restored our life
在祂的面前﹐ 總是渺小的。 老是覺得自己的困難很大﹐ 困擾很多。 和祂比起來﹐ 差太遠了...
明天﹐ 會是另一個開始...
聖餐時﹐ 唱詩樂團選了這首聖歌﹕ "He will carry you"
There is no problem too big
God cannot solve it
There is no mountain too tall
God cannot move it
There is no storm too dark
God cannot calm it
There is no sorrow too deep
He cannot soothe it
If He carried the weight of the world upon His shoulders
I know my brother that He will carry you
If He carried the weight of the world upon His shoulders
I know my sister that He will carry you
情不自禁﹐ 眼淚掉了下來... 是的﹐ 有什麼祂不能緩和的? 再深的傷﹐ 只要放心交給祂﹐ 有一天會痊癒。 也許﹐ 要等一年﹐ 三年﹐ 甚至十年 總有那麼一天﹐ 傷口會愈合... 只要我相信。
多年前的今天﹐ 祂為了愛我們而犧牲自己。 三天後﹐ 祂替我們贖得永生。
Dying You destroyed our death
Rising You restored our life
在祂的面前﹐ 總是渺小的。 老是覺得自己的困難很大﹐ 困擾很多。 和祂比起來﹐ 差太遠了...
明天﹐ 會是另一個開始...
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