Saturday, April 3, 2010


This past Wednesday ended the Lent season. It is not always have to be sad and miserable, but more on reflection. I often thought of this, "reflection", during the last one month. Was also had tons of conversation with Him about it. In the last week of Lent, I made a point to stop by the chapel for at least half an hour after work. Through this exercise, I found myself entering His peace and comfort.

Life in the outside world is always busy and chaos. There is also constant "noise" to keep me content, songs, conversation, thoughts... Even though I try to drive quietly to work (no radio, no music), I still find difficulty to hold a conversation with Him. When I visit the chapel, silence engrosses me. Peace starts to fill in, mind starts to calm down... there, conversation is uninterrupted.

Even for a non-Christian, you can still walk into church or chapel to seek for peaceful mind. It is because these places are holy, and silence is to be observed.

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