Friday, April 2, 2010

心﹐ 有了歸宿

以前,有困难、疑惑、 焦虑时,总是不知所措。 除了向朋友倾诉,别无他法。 朋友若忙,便只能藏在心中。
这三年一路走来,渐渐发觉,在祂的胸懷裡﹐ 一顆忐忑的心﹐ 可以安靜下來。。。 活在這世上﹐ 難免要焦慮﹑ 傷心﹑ 感慨﹐ 有了祂﹐ 和相信一切都會有祂關照﹐ 對人對事﹐ 就有了不一樣的見解。
剛才馬汀問我們﹐ 過去的一年 (至三年)里﹐ 我們有什麼改變嗎? 仔細想想﹐ 很多人與物﹐ 我都放心交給祂。 曾經有位歌手說過﹐ 只有祂知道哪一個位置最適合我。 我所選擇的﹐ 並不一定適合我。
距離復活節還有三個星期。 心﹐ 終於可以安定下來。 因為﹐ 我相信。

My heart, has found its home, in 2007.
Before this, I was despair when I was anxious or in doubt. Most of the time, I would talk to my friends. But they were not there all the time. When I was no where to share my feelings, I kept them to myself.
I finally find peace in Him along these 3 years... When you are alive, it is difficult to avoid all these feelings. Trust Him with His care, I've changed my ways to look at things and to treat people.
Martin asked us just now, any changes in our lives since our baptism? I recalled, I learnt to consult Him in the past 3 years. A singer said before, only He will know where to put me. My choice, might not be suitable for me.
3 more weeks to Easter, may the peace be with you. Because, I believe.

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