Sunday, April 11, 2010


原宥﹐ 並不是件容易的事。 尤其是對你深愛的人。 那可能是幾年﹑ 幾十年的事。 

有人一輩子都沒有原諒對方。 以為已經忘記﹐ 以為忘記就算原諒。 等到要緊關頭﹐ 才猛然發現﹐ 根本沒有原諒。 回到了原點。 我承認﹐ 這需要時間。 不是一﹑ 兩天﹐ 甚至一﹑ 兩個月的事。 這期間﹐ 悲傷﹑ 自卑﹑可能還有憤怒﹐ 都會不時地出現。 

呵﹐ 還最忌“找借口”。 都是因為他﹐ 所以我無法專心讀書﹔ 都是因為他﹐ 所以我退步了﹔ 都是因為他﹐ 所以我無法投入工作﹔ 都是因為他﹐ 所以我自暴自棄... 千萬不可。 因為他不會內疚﹑ 回頭。 內疚而回頭又如何? 你還會想繼續麼? 能擔保在接下來的三﹑ 五年他不會重蹈覆轍...? 這才發現﹐ 原來愛得不夠深。

小時候﹐ 長輩不是常教我們﹐ 跌倒了要自己爬起來嗎? 不要耍賴﹑ 在地上打滾﹐ 因為沒人可以幫忙。 你可以坐在地上休息﹑ 擦傷口。 可是一定要站起來。朋友和家人可以借肩膀給你﹐ 可是站起來走的人﹐ 是自己。

只有原諒對方﹐ 才能釋放自己... 這是一門藝術﹐ 一道智慧。 有那麼一天﹐ 你會感激他。 因為你釋放自己﹐ 活得更好。

只有努力生活﹐ 愛惜生命﹐ 才是對自己最好的交代。 

Forgiveness, it is never an easy task. Especially to your love ones. It could go on for years... 

Some people have never forgive others throughout their whole lives. They think they have forgotten, and forget is forgive. Until on the dead bed, they realize they have never forgiven... Well, they return to the original point - didn't forgive. I must admit, it takes time. It is neither one or two days, nor one or two months. During this period, sad, anger, or feeling inferior will occur. 

Oh,  we also need to avoid "excuses". Because of him, I can't study. Because of him, I can't do well in my papers. Because of him, I can't work properly. And, give up on ourselves... Shouldn't. He won't turn back or feel bad. Even if he feels bad about you, will you accept him again? Will he repeat in 3 or 5 years time? You will realize then, you don't love him that much... 

When we were young, we have been told to get up by ourselves when we fell. No one could help you. You can sit down and clean your wound. But you have to stand up by yourself. Your friends and family will only lend you a hand. YOU are the one who will stand up and walk. 

Only through forgiveness, you set yourself free. This is an art, a piece of knowledge. One day, you will thank him. As you release yourself from this, you live better. 

It is for your own sake when you live your life to the fullness and take good care of yourself.

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