Monday, April 12, 2010

即來之﹐ 則安之

一連串發生的事﹐ 雖已在意料之內﹐  難免還是惆悵... 

我知道﹐ 這是我自己選擇的﹐ 應該自己負責。 雖然如此﹐ 還是忍不住向朋友傾訴。 他勸說﹐ 趕緊鋪好後路﹐ 離開吧。 很多時候﹐ 你所看到的外表﹐ 並不是想象中的美好。 最糟糕的是﹐ 我拿來比較。 唉﹐ 真是罪過...  這件事讓我覺悟﹐ 不應該比較﹐ 既然相信﹐ 就得服從﹐ 有一天也許你會了解那個位子的用心良苦。 

儘管如此﹐ 即來之﹐ 真的能安之嗎...? 

即來之﹐ 則﹐ 安之~

Even though I've expected all these, I am still depressed... 

I know, this is what I'd chosen, I need to be responsible for it. I still can't help but grumble. My friend asked me to prepare myself and leave. A lot of times, it looks really nice from the outside. But it is different when you go in. Worst still, I compare. *sigh* it is a sin... I realize, I shouldn't have compared. If I decide to believe in her, I should obey her. One day, I might understand her situation. 

Afterall, can I face what is about to come...? 

Well, whatever is coming, I can't stop it. The best is, let it be.

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