Friday, April 9, 2010

This Is It

Went to watch "This is it" with my friends. I was never a big fan of Michael Jackson. 

Affected by the media, in the last few years of his life, I read his news like I read other Hollywood people news. This "movie" totally changed my view towards MJ. 

How serious are you towards your life? And how much effort are you willing to put in your career? For MJ, he wanted to show his fans the best. Even of his old songs, he made sure they were to sing as if he was singing them for the first time. He remembered all his songs, all the lyrics, every single notes... Every note, every tune and every step was to be perfect. He loved what he was doing. He spent time with his team to make sure he created an impact, gave the best to his fans.

Now I understand why he was so successful. His PASSION.

I hope you have the same passion towards your life.

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