Saturday, June 5, 2010

05/07/2009 : Speak to Me

Dear Father, 

The good thing about re-journey is, you pay attention and agree more compared to the previous time. Like the teacher mentioned, He plans our lives for us. But we choose. We choose to be good, we choose to be bad. 

My friend asked me to keep hoping. She would continue to pray for us. As for me, I leave it to Him. I trust that He will lead me. I shall wait patiently. A lot of times, we tend to be impatient and look for a sign. Is this His message? Is that what He want to show? But I know, through experience, He will speak to me when I least expected. Always, through another person, He will speak to me. Sometimes, He will go through different people to speak the same thing to me. Reinforce, I guess.  ^_^ 

God bless. 

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