Sunday, July 21, 2013


主唱﹕ 陳潔儀

喜歡你 給我你的外衣 讓我像躲在你身體裡
喜歡你 借我你的梳子 讓我用柔軟頭髮吻你

喜歡你 車窗上的霧氣 彷彿是你的愛在呼吸
喜歡你 那微笑的眼睛 連日落也看作唇印

我喜歡這樣跟著你 隨便你帶我到哪裡
你的臉 慢慢貼近 明天也慢慢地慢慢清晰

我喜歡你愛我的心 輕觸我每根手指感應
我知道 它在訴說著你承諾言語

喜歡你﹐ 因為你體諒。你喜歡為我作安排﹑ 配合我。
喜歡你﹐ 因為你仁慈。即使犯錯﹐ 你只是暗地裡傷心﹐ 表面上只是蹙蹙眉。 
你不會說甜言蜜語﹐ 總覺得自己不夠精彩﹐ 讓我覺得悶。 可是你卻記得我的喜好﹐ 會出奇不意地給我意外的驚喜﹐ 讓我覺得窩心。





虽然现在的我是一个人住,静语的时间蛮长的,但是外面的杂音很多。不像在山上,只有昆虫和青蛙的合唱。这次的避静有点失败,可是和您交谈的机会并没有减少。星期六时,午饭后有两小时的静语,我拿了笔记本到我以前很喜欢的地方坐 - 凉亭下的角落。我开始写这之前的感受。写着写着,忽然停下笔来,听风。我留意着风从远处吹来,经过左边的大树,到拨弄眼前的树林,然后吹到右边的树,传来沙沙声。刚下了点雨,风其实有点冷。可是我却记得,那像极了您的微笑。 ^_^

Sunday, November 27, 2011

He Won't Let Go

"I Won't Let Go"  ~Rascal Flatts
It's like a storm
That cuts a path
It breaks your will
It feels like that

You think you're lost

But you're not lost on your own
you're not alone

I will stand by you

I will help you through
When you've done all you can do
If you can't cope
I will dry your eyes
I will fight your fight
I will hold you tight
And I won't let go

It hurts my heart

To see you cry
I know it's dark
This part of life
Oh it finds us all
And we're too small
To stop the rain
Oh but when it rains

I will stand by you

I will help you through
When you've done all you can do
And you can't cope
I will dry your eyes
I will fight your fight
I will hold you tight

And I won't let you fall

Don't be afraid to fall
I'm right here to catch you
I won't let you down
It won't get you down
you're gonna make it
Yeah I know you can make it

Cause I will stand by you

I will help you through
When you've done all you can do
And you can't cope
And I will dry your eyes
I will fight your fight
I will hold you tight
And I won't let go
Oh I'm gonna hold you
And I won't let go
Won't let you go
No I won't 
When I first listened to this song, I thought I like it because it's from Rascal Flatts. But when I heard it the second time, going line by line with the lyrics (from AZ Lyrics), my tears just rolled down my cheeks. I couldn't stop crying for a long time. 

You hear all my sorrows, my happiness, my tears, my bitter, my sweet... You hear them all. I feel, as if You are telling me: You will stand by me, You will dry my eyes, You will fight my fight and, You will hold me tide, and never let me go.

I've been reading a book called "Disappointment with God" by Philip Yancey lately. What attracted me was how he would write such a book to his audiences, when I knew he is a renowned Christian writer.

In his book, he mentioned some Christians claimed that when they asked God for help, they heard nothing from Him. When I read that, I asked myself if I ever thought of it. Maybe, maybe during my search for God and before I was baptised. But, I really don't remember. I only remember He is always at my side. I'm blessed, and I always am thankful for that. 

When things don't turn out my way, I ask Him: is it something You want me to learn and I'm yet to pick it up? Ever since last year, I've learned to ask Him when I was helpless or hopeless: Is it something You haven't told me, and I should wait a bit longer? Everytime when I turn, puff, there, is Your message. 

I always believe He talks to everyone of us individually, in His own way. You might not hear Him directly, message might come from a writing, or a song, or by a messenger that only you can understand the meaning of the words, or a movie scene, or a scenery by the road side, or a dish... I just want to say, He is here, He is everywhere. He has His own unique way to express it, only you will know it. Sorry to say that, everyone of us receive the message in different forms. Peculiar? Yes, it is.

Sometimes we are deaf and dumb, we need to be reminded more than once. That's why in prayer, we ask for His mercy and wisdom to understand His Word. We do it every Sunday.  ^_^

I will always remember that You stand by me, help me through, dry my eyes and fight my fight. You will hold me tide and never let me go. At the end of my life, You will wait for me at the gate of heaven. 

I always believe that.


作詞﹕易家楊                        作曲﹕趙傳                            編曲﹕楊振華

我驀然回首                來時路漫長又孤寂
可是在我的心裡        總有一個妳
有太多個春來冬去    我以為只剩下自己
躲在黑夜裡顫抖        該往哪裡去

從台北香港到上海    下著同樣的雨
太多的寂寞城市                走走停停

*但我的心中               始終有妳
迷路時候不曾忘記    有一個妳        陪我走下去

在狂風之中                始終有妳
在遠方要我別放棄    妳願意這一輩子        與我同行





書中有些信徒總是大聲地問﹕您要告訴我什麼? 我卻認為祂用祂的方式告訴我們每一個人。不一定是聲音﹐有時會是文字﹔有時會是歌曲﹔有時會透過其他人傳達﹐而且是只有你自己才聽得懂的意思﹔有時是電影的一個畫面﹔有時是路上的風景﹔有時是你吃到的一道菜... 我要說的是﹐祂無所不在。祂表達的方式﹐是獨特的﹐是只有你才會懂的。不好意思﹐每個人真的是不同的。




Sunday, May 29, 2011

Keep Walking

I've not written for so long, just realized it. And, in English. 

I was busy with what I called "living" in the past couple of months, and again, at a crossroad. Met a friend last week to talk about it. Deep down, I knew I was looking for support and confirmation on the road I tried to lead. He has been walking on his for number of years, I was asking for guidance. 

Despite of my busyness, I'm starting to shape my goal (though inspired by this friend of mine after last week's meeting). I slowly form the solid image in mind, and start walking down the path. I'm also glad that, I've started to do serious Chinese translation of English works, whenever I could. What I mean of "serious translation" is the translation from workplace, not at my blog site. It feels great to see the accomplished pieces, as it is a job that closed to my heart.

I know, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I just need to keep on walking. And, He will always be with me.